Monday, September 22, 2008

Okay, so this morning I wake up with what feels like a burning cake of nervousness in my stomach. Really, that is what it feels like. And not like a nice birthday cake with candles burning. In my dreaming sleep I could actually see what looked like a little flaming (it kind of resembled a urinal cake- what?!) cake in my stomach- weird, I know.Last night I started looking at class schedules because I am registering for school this morning. This will be the first time that I am going to school since 2000. And that time I only took one class and we weren't married and I had no kids. I also pulled up the curriculum for 2 other schools that I might go to later to see what I could take in the near future from this smaller and less expensive school. Not to mention my GPA is not high enough to get into any nursing program, except maybe in Guadalajara. So here I sit waiting for registration to open so that I may voluntarily sign up for the class that from 1991-1997 was my nemesis- College Algebra. I am hoping that my brain has changed and that suddenly all of it will make complete sense. Justin, my math whiz husband, says that it is so easy and it shouldn't be a problem. Easy for him to say, he hasn't taken it 5 times to receive no higher than the grade of D. But I am fully (okay maybe, somewhat) confident that I can master it with no lower than a B this time! I am raising toddler and preschool aged boys, College Algebra has to be easier, right?


KELLI MC said...

mr smarty pants needs to zip it, that crap was my nightmare this past summer.

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

GO Brenna! I really admire you and Kelli for doing the school thing with You two have motivated me to check into some classes here in Wfd. I want to go to nursing school too! Crazy huh? I'm just not sure if I can make it work. You'll do great. You guys are AWESOME!