Sunday, September 28, 2008

1st off- Scott is now blogging!

So school starts tomorrow. But guess what, I won't be there. The financial aid is taking too long and we would have to pay out of pocket until/if it kicks in. I'm a little bummed but I would rather wait until I have the grants, scholarships, loans, etc to pay for it since we are stretched very thin right now. So it will be January.

On Friday, Brady, Bowie & Brenna (I) went to the zoo with Kelli, Keelin, Kinsey & Kathi (mom- just had to keep up the alliteration). We had a really good time. Bowie liked the big birds that we saw and the otters. He was calling them "kitty." Brady and Keelin are wealths of animal information. They new things about all of the animals. The kids had a wonderful time and I really did too

Saturday night we went to the Madison County Fair with Justin's mom- Danna, sister- Amanda, Emma-niece, and Amanda's husband Shawn. It was absolutely great. Emma is 4 and Brady is almost 4. They are finally big enough to ride somethings by themselves and some of the bigger things with an adult. We have been going since before we had Brady and I think that this year was the most fun by far. They rode on this little roller coaster. Every time they would go around the big curve they would throw their heads back and laugh and look at each other like, "that was soooo much fun."

Justin went up in Danna's attic while we were there. He found a ton of canning jars and an old pressure canner. I am so excited. I found a website that sells the parts for the pressure canner, just incase.


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Oh how fun. Love the pics!

sweetb said...

I thought you looked good you dork