Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I went to the gym again today. Yay! I ran/walked, did the elliptical and then the circuit class. I am feel the motivation creeping back in. Again YAY! I have met a new friend at the gym and we exercised together today and we are planning to the rest of the week. We are also going to have a bet. We haven't laid out the rules yet but the loser has to do something for the winner. She doesn't like to cook so she thinks cooking a meal for me is what she would do if she is the loser. I don't mind cooking so we will have to see.

It is really hard to make friends. Most of my friends I have known for ever and met before I was married or had kids and it was easy. But now when ever you meet some one new it is so different than when you were a kid or single. I have moved kind of far from my sisters and best friend. It is not really convenient to get together. Since we moved here I have been hoping to meet some good girlfirends that I can do stuff with. For a while I was like one of those girls that tries to make every boy they meet into the potential "one." I would meet people and get so excited and hope that maybe we could become friends. Sounds kind of weird now that I am saying it but it is true. And because I was being desperate I have put up with people I shouldn't have. I have met one friend who lives near me & we really click. But her schedule and my schedule never seem to work out. So anyway, I have decided to just relax, and if I meet friends then great. And I have met a new gym friend. Gosh, I sound like a big dork. Maybe I am, oh well.

I have to get some cleaning done (ugh!) and if I have time I would like to make some more pepper jelly. We have peppers coming out of our ears. Everyday I go out to the garden I pick 30 or so from one plant. I think I need to go back out today. The eggplants should be ready and some more greenbeans should be ready too. We have very little growing right now. It has gotten so hot and everything is slowing down. We had zuchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, 3 kinds of peppers, corn, tomatoes, green beans and potatoes. I am starting to think about my fall garden. I haven't ever had a fall garden but I am excited. I am not sure if there will be anything to can but I can freeze too:)

1 comment:

Erin said...

First, i don't think that's dorky AT ALL! It's hard to be a Mom and meet new people. You don't want someone elses drama when you have enough of your own and it's okay if you are single or withought kids to have weirdo friends, but you don't want to inflict weirdos on your kids. Unless they are realated to you and then you have no choice. Second, I figures out the issue with the link and it's when you copy and paste it on. It says http./http. I guess there are too many of them (http) when you copy and paste. Does that make sense?