Thursday, October 2, 2008

I have been to the gym 4 times this week and I am feeling it. So tired & sore. I did Spin class monday & Tuesday and then a class called Ultimate Conditioning yesterday. It should be called Ultimate Smackdown or Ultimate Ass Beating or something. Killed me! We jogged & sprinted out of the gym down to the playground carrying a 5 lb medicine ball over our head. Then at the playground we did the monkey bars twice. Have you done monkey bars as an adult? OMG so hard. Then we jogged down the stairs (with the medicine ball) to the soccer field and then sprinted to the end. Then did all of these crazy drills and ran back inside to more crazy drills. Then today I just did the elliptical for a 25 minutes and then my weight class. I feel beat. But good!

I canned some marinated eggplant earlier this week. I know, I know. I am crazy. But I am tired of eggplant and you can't really freeze it or put it up any way so I found a recipe and tried it. YUMMY! I am going to make more with the last few eggplants. I think I am also going to do banana peppers this way next year. You use oil & vinegar and oregano, bay leaf, basil, garlic, onions. So yummy. I think it will be good on a salad and even use the "pickle" or brine for salad dressing. Justin put some on his pizza last night. I need to buy some more white wine vinegar. I pickled everyting else in white vinegar. I think next year it will be white wine vinegar & cider vinegar only. A little less bite. My radishes and beets are coming up now. Alton Brown had an episode of Good Eats on FoodNetwork about beets the other day. I am excited. I have never had them anyway except pickled from the grocery store. The radishes I think I will make radish butter to put it up. Apparently you can spread it on bread. Very french. The broccoli and green beans look good. I don't think my spinach or lettuce germinated. This is the first year I have planted green beans. I believe that it was the most satisfying thing in the garden. Came up so easy and strong, and kept making and making with very little effort on my part.

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