Monday, December 15, 2008

Thank You, Laura!

I got my Swap goodies today! I was so excited to see this nice surprise on my front porch. I discovered after coming home from dropping off Laura's treats at the Bethelehem, GA post office. It was a mob scene. The TV news was out there. Crazy. The Bethlehem post office is the closest to me, I use it all year long. But lots of people drive to this tiny little place just to get the Bethlehem postmark on their Christmas cards.

But I digress...

(Laura, when you get your box you are going to think I copied you with the note, but I promise I didn't.)

I got a beautifully written recipe for Hot White Chocolate in a velvet stocking, an adorable box with Santa on top and chocolates inside, some popcorn, a cute Noel decoration, a sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mints (Laura, never apologize for not having homemade when you are sending GS cookies), spiced cider, a Yankee Candle tart in Christmas Berries scent and some super cute Christmas notecards.

I cannot wait to see what everyone else has been working on! The deadline is Wednesday.


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Oh how cool! I'm getting excited! I sent Erin's pkg yesterday.

Laura said...

YEA!!! I'm so glad that everything made it to you :) Thanks so much for organizing the swap. It was FUN!

I can't believe that about your post office. I hadn't thought of people driving there just to have the "Bethlehem" postmark! Crazy!!

Merry Christmas!