Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I suck because I have not blogged in forever.

We had a great Thanksgiving and it was so great to see my Gram. She came over to my house and I made lunch for her & my mom. I made a version of Leslie's tortellini soup. Actually, Leslie's soup has raviolis in it so I turned it into tortellini soup. I also made a pear & blueberry cobbler. I invited my neigbor, Miss Mary, over to meet Gram & have dessert with us.

That was really nice. Mary is 87 and lives alone across the street from me. Her son used to live with her but he died of cancer last year. So we have adopted her and she has adopted us. She takes her voting very seriously too. She told me that the first time she voted was for JFK. I asked her if she ever thought that she would see a Black president in her lifetime. And she told me that it never crossed her mind, that she didn't know that it is possible. Mary is African-American and I cannot imagine what she has seen in her lifetime.

Anyway, it was wonderful to have gram here for Thanksgiving. I only wish that we lived closer.

I want to know- Where is my Christmas Spirit? I have none. I am trying so hard to get that feeling but I just can't. My mind refuses to believe that Christmas is 2 1/2 weeks away. I am playing the music & movies that I love and I have decorated the house but still nothing. I will be glad when 2008 is over. Hopefully 2009 will be a good year.


Cristin said...

Good Ole Miss Mary-God Bless her!

I am so ready for 2009 too!!!!

As far as Christmas spirit-heck we just go out Christmas tree this morning. (Daddy had his guys go chop it down out of the yard!) So--at least your house is all decorated and pretty!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Sounds like so much fun when Aunt Vonell was there....how sweet to have a neighbor like that..love it.
I'm so glad you liked the soup...I actually have a Tortellini soup recipe I think you would really like...I'll try to get it posted sometime this weekend!

Erin said...

I know what you mean, I kinda numb this year about Christmas. I'm doing the movies and decorating thing, too, but nothing. It's weird, but I'm not depressed about ti. I do get a liitke sad to think about not being in Kansas. But Kansas and Christmas go hand in hand in my mind. Maybe that's the problem.