Friday, January 23, 2009

Hello! I haven't blogged in forever. I want to but I just can't think of anything interesting. But let me just ramble a little and see what comes out...
I started school on January 4th. I am taking Algebra and Psychology. As I have mentioned before, to say that Algebra is not my strong suit is an understatement.However, I got a 93 on the first test and an 87 on the second. Yippee!!!!! I had a Psychology test last week and I got a 96. Double Yippee! Justin has been very busy doing a finished basement and he has booked several more big jobs. 2009 is looking like it could be a good year for us!
I watched the inauguration on Tuesday. I am always so blown away by the pageantry of that day. It is amazing how smoothly things happen. No matter how you feel about President Obama or our country, we are so lucky to live where we do. i got so choked up during Aretha Franklin singing My Country Tis of Thee (after I got over being startled by her hat). Patriotic music always does it to me. My 87 year old neighbor, Mary, came over to watch it with me. I know that she only watches TV maybe once a week and for some reason when she turns it off she messes it up and usually Justin has to go over to fix it for her. So I thought I better call that morning to see if her TV was working. First thing she said was, "I CAN'T GET IT ON MY TV!". So I told her to come over so she didn't miss it. She missed the swearing in but saw the speech. She just smiled and smiled. Again, no mater what you think of him, think about what that day meant to my 87 year old black friend.

Justin scored a huge box of boy dress up clothes this week. Brady & Bowie have been in heaven.


Erin said...

I completley agree on all points. Especially about the startaling hat!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

I totally agree as well! I didn't get to see anything but half of Aretha singing...oh that hat, but oh that Aretha...LOVE HER!!!! I always get teary at patriotic music too!
Regardless of who you vote for or against...we must pray for our leaders!

The boys definitely hit the jackpot! My boys would love that too!

KELLI MC said...

I was watching the view the other day(yes I know but Mickey Rourke was on and i LOVE him)anyway Nathan lane was also on and he made a comment about how yes he was at the inauguration(sp?) he was in Aretha Franklin's hat. HHAAAA. It didn't really startle me that much cause I have seen the old southern black churches here and the women wear those emormo crazy hats! I miss the boys and I need to see them soon!@

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

I don't know why you couldn't put that soup in the crock pot...let me know the verdict.